Sunday, April 7, 2013

Final Assessment Plan-Unique Abilities of Bees

Name of Lesson Plan: Unique Abilities of Bees

Grade Level: 4-8 grades

Academic Subject: Science

Over the past week my students have been learning about Bees and their unique abilities. At the beginning of the week, my students were asked a series of questions about their prior knowledge of Bees and then had a group discussion about the results. Over this past week our class has covered a great deal of information on the unique abilities that bees possess. Some of those abilities include that bees are found on every continent on Earth except for Antarctica, and in every known habitat, bees are one of nature’s wonders, possessing several abilities that make them unique in the insect world. These abilities, along with the materials they produce, have made them indispensable to the human race for over 3,000 years. We specifically discussed that bees are considered electromagnetic indicators, producers of magical substances, superior weightlifters, and mathematicians, As we draw near to the end of our lesson, student’s will work together with a partner to take a short quiz about the information they have learned.

Learning Outcome & Assessment for lesson plan:

Learning Outcome: Students will be able to identify the unique abilities of bees

Assessment (Multiple Choice): Given the following 10 question quiz, work with a partner to answer the multiple choice questions over the unique abilities of Bess that we discussed this week.

Bee Facts Quiz

1. Up to what number can bees “count”?

a. 2

b. 4

c. 6

2. How far can a bee fly on a full belly of honey?

a. 5 miles

b. 100 miles

c. 40 miles

3. How much weight can a bee carry while walking?

a. 122

b. 315

c. 78

4. Which bee product does NOT help treat cancer?

a. Bee venom

b. Bee saliva

c. Royal Jelly

5. Honey can be described as:

a. Bee pee

b. Bee poop

c. Bee vomit

6. How can bees predict the weather?

a. By feeling the temperature

b. By sensing an electrical charge

c. By using their sense of smell

7. How do bees collect pollen?

a. By using tiny hairs on their bodies

b. By flapping their wings on it

c. By scooping it with an antenna

8. How long does it take for honey to spoil?

a. Never

b. 1,000 years

c. 6 months

9. How many times its body weight can bees carry while flying?

a. Half its body weight

b. 10 times its body weight

c. The same weight as its body

10. Which of the following is NOT a use for honey?

a. Sterilizing medical instruments

b. Improving eyesight

c. Soothing sore throats

The following testing constraints will be applied to the multiple choice quiz given to the students:

1. Time: students will be given 15 minutes (1.5 minutes each question) to finish the quiz, timed by me.

2. Reference material: The students will only have their partner to use for help; no other materials or references should be needed after spending a week on the subject and having prior knowledge of the lesson before the quiz.

3. Other people: Students will have one partner for the quiz that they may choose.

4. Scoring criteria: Students will understand that their quiz performance will be compared to the other student’s in the classroom based on how much information they learned over the last week.


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